(b) “Archaeological evidence does not give direct access to the possible social and political dimensions of the decline of the Harappan civilization. Q.1 Identify the following places marked on the map supplied to you and write a short note of about 30 words on each of them in your Question-cum-Answer Booklet. However, the form of Puranas clearly reveals they are not the compositions of a single person. [Bhakti and Unintentional Salvation in the Purāṇas], Rāmo Rāmam udaikṣata. ↑ Upinder Singh (2008). The word Purana means old. (2018) For Question 2 - Click Here. The Puranas are 18 in number including Vishnu, Vayu, Agni, Matsya, Itihasa etc. 20 "Archaeological evidence does not give direct access to the possible social and political dimensions of the decline of the Harappan civilization. How did the early Indian historical tradition, as reflected in Itihasa-Purana, emerge? Sunil Singh. What are the distinctive features of this genre? 90 Days UPSC Mains Optional Answer Writing Initiative History – Paper 1 Question and Model Answers from Subject Experts. Mahabharata, Ramayana, Itihasa-Purana Tradition Mahabharata date is intertwined with the inviolable Kali Yuga date The year of Mahabharata war is already known, as the 36th year before the start of Kali Yuga. "Archaeological evidence does not give direct access to the possible social and political dimensions Of the decline of the Harappan civilization. Epico-puranic Hinduism revolves around bhakti towards a personal Lord, who bestows his favours — be they consisting in bhukti (fruition) or mukti (salvation) — on his devotees according to the way of their worshipful approach: ye yathā... Epico-puranic Hinduism revolves around bhakti towards a personal Lord, who bestows his favours — be they consisting in bhukti (fruition) or mukti (salvation) — on his devotees  according to the way of their worshipful approach: ye yathā māṃ prapadyante tāṁs tathaiva bhajāmy aham, as the well-known śloka of the BhG runs, which Śaṅkara glosses: yena prayojanena… māṃ prapadyante tāṁs tathaiva… anugṛhnāmy aham, laying stress on purpose ― prayojana. 78,79,33,80,27,123. explain 2 See answers Answers shaziarashidmalik13 Ace; Explanation: The lack of interest in history in ancient India has often been noted and contrasted with the situation in China and the West. [UPPSC- 1998] OR गुरु नानक के उपदेश का संक्षिप्त विवेचन कीजिए। Write briefly on Teachings of Guru Nanak. The lineages of the Itihasa-Purana tradition are: the Solar dynasty (Suryavanshi); and the Lunar dynasty (Chandravansi/ Somavanshi). itihāsapurāṇaṃ pañcamaṃ vedānāṃ. History lecturer, Faced UPSC & State PSC interviews. [Matsyāvatāra: Indian Sceneries of the Deluge], Paraśurāma’s Rise to Avatāra-hood. [20 Marks], Q.3 (b) The concept of Shramanic religions, with particular reference to Buddhism, had their roots in Upanisadic ideas. Nevertheless, the structure of the Indian myth, whose careful recognition should indeed constitute the requisite basis for any further insight into the problem of its relationships, has not been adequately investigated. UPSC IAS Exam 2015 – IAS Main History Question Paper II. What are the distinctive features of this genre ? The itihasa-purana tradition was compared with histories produced in ancient Greece and Rome, and were found wanting. "However, some historians argue that the events and characters associated with the Mahabharata reflect a slightly earlier period than those of the Ramayana." UPSC Prelims Result ... How did the early Indian historical tradition, as reflected in Itihasa-Purana, emerge? Smrithi Adinarayanan. इति निदर्शनमेव अस्य प्रबन्धस्य उद्देशः ।. This volume contains 20 papers emerging from the Epics and Purāṇas panel at the 15th World Sanskrit conference (New Delhi, January 2012). Abstract: For centuries it has been affirmed both in works of divulgation and by specialists, that India does not contain texts of History. Model Answer. 1) Eyewitness: Puranas are by definition, the narrations of incidents that occurred in the remote past. (Singh 2008:19). Follow. Nevertheless, there are evidences and varied scholars who have discovered that this is not completely true. 20 Kot Dijian (Early Harappan) phase Circa 2800-2600 BC Harappan Phase Circa 2600-1900 BC Transitional Phase Circa 1900-1800 BC Late Harappan Phase Circa 1800-1300 BC Important Findings . Login. As regards the Indian tradition in particular, several renowned scholars of the past have postulated its dependance on the sumero-semitic tradition, but nowadays the prevailing opinion speaks in favour of its autonomous development. Interview of Vikram Grewal, Rank 51, CSE- 2018, History Optional, Interview of Nidhi Siwach, Rank 83, CSE- 2018 [History Optional], Interview of Raj, Rank 433, CSE- 2018 [History Optional], Interview of Ishmeet Kaur, Rank 505 in CSE- 2018 with History Optional, Interview of Phadke Vikram Dnyandeo who has scored highest Marks in History Optional: 324, Copyright © 2020 selfstudyhistory.com All Rights Reserved Powered by. This can also lead to multidisciplinary research areas that combine ancient and modern knowledge to solve problems that society faces today. The religion thrived under the Mughal rule and numerous Indians grasped Islam. How then did he win acceptance among the ranks of Viṣṇu's avatāra-s? What are the distinctive features of this genre? The time of the Mughals was the brilliant time of Islam in India. There are other lineages, such as Agnivanshi ("fire lineage"), in which an eponymous ancestor rises out of Agni (fire), and Nagavanshi (snake-born), claiming descent from the Nāgas. They were found to be especially deficient in terms of spatial and chronological precision, which was regarded as the minimum requirement of a historical work. Tuttavia, gli studiosi avevano finora mancato di rilevare la valenza specificamente indiana del simbolismo della nave — tipicamente preesistente, e non fabbricata dal protetto —; la peculiarità del plesso simbolico della nave e del pesce, in seguito arricchito dalla fune come terzo elemento; e la sua solidarietà con altre rappresentazioni mitiche, con cui viene inaspettatamente  alla luce un’omologia profondamente radicata nonostante l'apparente eterogeneità delle immagini. This Harappan site is located on the bank of Cambay in Ahmadabad, Gujarat. Ancient Indian printed material Material 1 – Archeological and literary sources 2) b) "Archaeological evidence does not give direct access to the possible social and political dimensions of the decline of the Harappan civilization. That's it. According to the tradition, the Puranas were composed by Vyasa. Note: All questions are directly/indirectly from our test series and solved questions answers. Scriptures of Hinduism The hierarchy of Sruti, Smriti, Itihasa, Purana, Agama and Darsana. Historical Biography of Banabhatta and the Kashmir Chronicle of Kalhana 80-100 2. Il mito del diluvio, pur godendo di un'ampia diffusione in tutto il continente euroasiatico, ha ottenuto i suoi più importanti sviluppi letterari nel vicino Oriente, nel mondo classico e in India. UPSC Prelims Result ... How did the early Indian historical tradition, as reflected in Itihasa-Purana, emerge? His death was the signal for an outburst of anarchy all over the Punjab.” [UPSC-2020], Join Telegram Group of selfstudyhistory.com, Toppers' Interview: Chandrajyoti Singh [Rank 28, CSE- 2019] History Optional, History Optional Complete Online Course cum Online Test Series- 2021, History Optional Online Course, Answer Writing Cum Test Series- 2020, Toppers' Interview: Nandini Maharaj [Rank 42/ CSE 2018], Click here for Topper's Answer Sheets and Interviews, Toppers' Interview: Vikram Grewal [Rank 51/ CSE 2018] [History Optional], Toppers' Interview: Nidhi Siwach [Rank 83/ CSE 2018] [History Optional], Toppers' Interview: Raj [Rank 433/ CSE 2018] [History Optional], Toppers' Interview: Ishmeet Kaur [Rank 505/ CSE 2018] [History Optional], Toppers' Interview: Phadke Vikram Dnyandeo [Rank 530/ CSE 2018][ Marks in History Optional 324]. According to the tradition, the Puranas were composed by Vyasa. What are the distinctive features of this genre? Sunil Singh. The Encounter of the Two Rāmas between Itihāsapurāṇa and Kāvya [DRAFT], Matsyāvatāra: scenari indiani del diluvio How did the Carly Indian historical tradition, as reflected in Itihasa-purana, emerge ? The Ithihasas (the epics) on the other hand, are by definition, the narrations of incidents that occurred during the life time of the narrator. To what extent did his religion differ from other reform movements ? [15 Marks], Q.3 (c) “Doubtless it was not a free state; it was any rate a state” (K A N Sastri). Check the important questions of UPSC IAS Prelims 2021 from the Ancient & Medieval History section. What are the distinctive features of this genre ? UPSC Answer Key. The subjects of study included the Vedas, Itihasa, Purana, grammar, mathematics, astronomy, military science, ethics, dialectics, science of snakes etc. Tata McGraw-Hill Education. Reflect upon the nature of local self government institutions in the Chola country. [UPSC, 2018], Q. History lecturer, Faced UPSC & State PSC interviews. What are the distinctive features of this genre? Ancient Indian printed material Material 1 – Archeological and literary sources 2) b) "Archaeological evidence does not give direct access to the possible social and political dimensions of the decline of the Harappan civilization. Hindi History Optional. Some writers have gone to the extent of maintaining that the people of ancient India had no historical sense … (a) How did the early Indian historical tradition, as reflected in Itihasa-Purana, emerge? Itihasa-Purana Tradition in Ancient India; Traditional History from the Vedas, Epics and Puranas 20-51 3. [15 Marks], Q.2 (c) Give an account of gana-sanghas (non-monarchical state systems) ? Paper explores unknown text Gokarna Purana which can be aptly called as sthalamahatmya of Gokarna tirtha of Karnataka. Read More. … Post was not sent - check your email addresses! 20 What are the distinctive features of this genre? Today mostly renowned for the magnificent Dilvāṛā jaina temples, the region was known in ancient times as a Śaiva tirtha, already mentioned in the Tīrthayatraparvan of the Mahābhārata. Quindi sulla base di quel materiale si cerca di mostrare come il mito indiano nel suo complesso presenti una struttura unica, differente dalla struttura dei miti delle altre grandi tradizioni in questione, fatta eccezione per un paio di caratteristiche molto generiche che devono essere, si direbbe, praticamente inevitabili in qualsiasi mito del diluvio in ragione della sua necessità intrinseca, e quindi non hanno rilevanza nello stabilire o rifiutare rapporti storici di sorta. Give an account Of gana-sanghas (non-monarchical state systems) ? Like the other three sections of the Prabhāsakhaṇḍa, numbering 491 adhyāyas in total, also... A detailed summary of the contents of the Arbudakhaṇḍa, constituting the third section of the Prabhāsakhaṇḍa, the 7th khaṇḍa of the Skanda Purāṇa. Dialéctica entre mito e historia en el Purāṇa de la India [The threshold effaced. Ended on Mar 1, 2021 . Historiography Prof Kalyan Kumar Dasgupta Felicitation Volume 1st Edi Ancient India - Ancient History Encyclopedia India has a long history and is considered the worlds largest democracy and one of the most successful in Asia. Both are long, continuous narratives and deal with war. Online Course for History Optional including Answer Writing and Test Series for 2020 Main Examination. Offering new and often provocative insights into their narratives, textual histories, ideological concerns, theological agendas and reception histories, these papers provide an excellent overview of the current state of epic and Purāṇic research. What are the distinctive features of this genre? Locational hints for each of the places marked on the map are given below seriatim. History and इतिहास belong to different categories and cannot be jumbled up; the Ramayana and the Mahabharata are usually referred to as इतिहास in Indian tradition. Quite the same Wikipedia. Kali Yuga is identified by the congregation of all planets except Rahu at the beginning of Aries at which time Krishna left this world. Srimad Bhagavata Purana which has 18,000 verses. 20 What are the distinctive features of this genre? A Glimpse of Early Avatāra-Theology. UPSC Mains Exam 2018 - HISTORY ... How did the early Indian historical tradition, as reflected in Itihasa Purana, emerge? Itihasa (Sanskrit: इतिहास; iti ha āsa, literally "so indeed it was") refers to the collection of written descriptions of important events in Hinduism. Harsha is described as ‘the lord of the whole of north India’. But this appears to be a very harsh judgment.. Because the knowledge of history was given a very high place in ancient India. Ended on Mar 1, 2021 . गुरु नानक के उपदेशों का विवरण दीजिये । उनके धर्म में अन्य सुधार आन्दोलनों से कहां तक भिन्नता थी? This is an ancient tradition. The itihasa-purana tradition was compared with histories produced in ancient Greece and Rome, and were found wanting. Discussion on Itihasa Purana tradition in Ancient India. How did the Carly Indian historical tradition, as reflected in Itihasa-purana, emerge ? But there is another remarkable episode the Mbh does not appear to know about, which apparently only surfaces in the late Balakaṇḍa of the Rāmāyaṇa: the episode of the encounter of the two Rāmas. Era già stato osservato, a questo proposito, che il mito indiano è privo di qualsiasi forma di motivazione etica, in quanto l'alluvione in sé è parte del processo cosmogonico e quindi ha una base naturale; o che il sacrificio finale ha una valenza completamente diversa nel mito indiano e semitico. Answer: Itihasa-Purana Tradition in Ancient India; Traditional History from... How far these assumptions are justified, and what has been achieved in the field... been explained in the Vayu Purana as ”the nation to the north of the sea and to.. 0.0 Atharvaveda, Brahmans and Upanishads include Itihas-Purana as one of the branches of knowledge. [UPPSC- 2004], Q. (b) “Archaeological evidence does not give direct access to the possible social and political dimensions of the decline of the Harappan civilization. History Optional Comprehensive Study Materials cum Online Test Series- 2020, Weekly and Daily Problem Practice with Solution of History Optional for 2020 Main Examination, Complete Map material along with Previous Years Solved Questions and Practice Set for History Optional, Previous Years Questions with Solution of History Optional, Click here for Our Results in CSE- 2019, Toppers' Interview and Toppers' Answer Sheets, Daily and Weekly Problem Practice for 2021 [History Optional], History Optional complete online course cum Test Series - 2021, Q. Kshatriya. ISBN 9780070604476. The 35 year gap well documented in Mahabharata makes Mahabharata fixed and unalterable. Chat with us , powered by LiveChat 9817390373, 8295688244 What are the distinctive features of this genre? A History of Ancient and Early Medieval India: From the Stone Age to the 12th Century, p. 202. Give an account Of gana-sanghas (non-monarchical state systems) ? Jain Historiography and Buddhist Historiography 52-79 Unit-II Medieval Indian Historiography 1. The comparatively late tantric embodiment of so-called Hinduism gives final shape to a conception the germs of which had indeed been present in the Indian religious world from the earliest times on — namely, that religious practices and the attendant prescriptive texts must constantly evolve and adapt under the pressure of the “heaviness of time” (kālagaurava) — by sanctioning in a recurrent strophe the partition of the Scriptures according to the declining world ages (yuga): whereas vedic ritual as laid down in the “Heard” Revelation  (śruti) was fit for the Perfect Age, new and less demanding forms of worship, with their corresponding Scriptures, had to be promulgated down the course of time to cater to the failing powers of the human generations: the “Remembered” Codes (smṛti) in the following Age of Triads, then the “Ancient” Lore (purāṇa) in the Age of Duality and finally the “Newcome” Tradition (āgama) in the present Age of Strife. (Singh 2008:19) The Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute critical edition... "However, some historians argue that the events and characters associated with the Mahabharata reflect a slightly earlier period than those of the Ramayana." They were found to be especially deficient in terms of spatial and chronological precision, which was regarded as the minimum requirement of a historical work. What it does . In the frame of my ongoing research devoted to the elucidation of the notion of tejas (‘ardent/fierce energy’), the present paper purposes to investigate an aspect that has so far lurked in the background of the former contributions, despite its crucial significance to the notion of tejas itself: namely, its liability to transference. UPSC Answer Key. 1. In conclusione, il mito indiano del diluvio presenta caratteristiche originali distintive nel suo legame indissolubile con temi tipicamente indiani come (per citarne solo alcuni) la struttura cosmica ciclica , la nozione del residuo, l'avatāra, il divino monocero, lo sprofondamento della terra sotto il peso dei viventi. UPSC Mains Exam 2018 - HISTORY ... How did the early Indian historical tradition, as reflected in Itihasa Purana, emerge? [15 Marks], Q.3 (a) Do you agree with the popular view that Mauryas established a unitary and highly centralized if not monolithic state system? ISBN 9780070604476. Bhavishya Purana which has 14,500 verses By the time Puranas were composed, people lost the capacity to understand the subtle spiritual concepts as enunciated in the Veda, and deifying of metaphors like Indra, Vishnu, etc, took place. Besides innumerable passages conforming to this conception, however, Purāṇas are rife with narratives of a different kind, diverging from it under two main aspects: on one side, as the grace accorded does not stem either directly or indirectly from the Lord; on the other side, as it dispenses with the devotee’s worshipful intention, or even with his actual awareness. Download. Critically examine the following statements in about 150 words each. The deluge myth, while enjoying a wide diffusion all over the Eurasian continent, has found its most important literary developments in the Near-eastern, Classical and Indian worlds. Comment. What are the distinctive features of this genre? that are prescribed in this scripture would wipe out our Papas and lead us to a prosperous life. Illustrate by giving architecture details of two of his most celebrated buildings. The present paper presents some examples of each type, concluding with some thoughts on the theoretical background of the puranic doctrines of “unintentional salvation”. ^ Upinder Singh (2008). —->Early Harappan 3000–2600 BCE —->Mature Harappan 2600–1900 BCE —->Late Harappan 1900–1700 BCE The urban phase was prevalent in the mature Harappan period and began to decline afterwards. New Delhi: Pearson]. The detailed syllabus for the Kerala PSC HSST (Junior) History Examination is given below. Login. Sunil Singh. "Archaeological evidence does not give direct access to the possible social and political dimensions Of the decline of the Harappan civilization. [Singh, Upinder (2008). The Viṣṇudharmottara Purāṇa (VDh) I, 23-73, is arguably the first full-fledged account wherein we may inquire for the mode of his newly acquired dignity. The lineages of the Itihasa-Purana tradition are: the Solar dynasty (Suryavanshi); and the Lunar dynasty (Chandravansi/ Somavanshi). Personal purity and good health were regarded as essential conditions for study. A History of Ancient and Early Medieval India. The latter obviously requires no introduction; as for the former, lately dubbed Paraśurāma or ‘Rāma with the axe’ by association with his most characteristic weapon, his main exploits — his predestined birth as a warrior-like brahmin, the beheading of his own mother at his father’s command and especially the 21fold extermination of the kṣatriyas in revenge for the murder of his father — are already known to the Mahābhārata, and later subsumed by the puranic literature. Add your comment or reference to a book if you want to contribute to this summary article. These factories produced seals, toys and bone implements. 90 Days UPSC Mains Optional Answer Writing Initiative History – Paper 1 Question and Model Answers from Subject Experts. This Purana is the conversation between Sage Sounaka and King Sataneeka, the descendant of Pandavas. Kerala PSC HSST (Junior) History Examination Syllabus Category No. "Archaeological evidence does not give direct access to the possible social and political dimensions Of the decline of the Harappan civilization. In the VDh Paraśurāma is certainly not what will be later termed a pūrṇāvatāra, not even an aṁśāvatāra, but just another instance — side by side with his arch-enemy Kārtavīrya — of those powerful beings which partake in an eminent degree of Viṣṇu's own world-sustaining energy. This can also lead to multidisciplinary research areas that combine ancient and modern knowledge to solve problems that society faces today. Feb 25, 2014 - 14. They were found to be especially deficient in terms of spatial and chronological precision, which was regarded as the minimum requirement of a historical work. Sunil Singh. The detailed syllabus for the Kerala PSC HSST (Junior) History Examination is given below. How far the itihasa purana and vedic tradition justify the historical sense of ancient india? Enter your email address to follow selfstudyhistory.com and receive notifications of new posts by email. This volume contains 20 papers emerging from the Epics and Purāṇas panel at the 15th World Sanskrit conference (New Delhi, January 2012). What the Upanishads say. The king Rama fights a battle with the demon king Ravana, who steals his wife, Sita, and holds her captive in his palace at Lanka (now Sri Lanka). What it does de-urbanization" ? What are the distinctive features of this genre ? Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Ended on Mar 2, 2021. 2. These narratives may be grouped under a few distinct heads: a) spontaneous efficacy of specific places and times; b) salvation of purposeless agents like animals, corpses and other inanimate beings; c) salvation of the reckless evil-doer; d) salvation of the god-hater. A detailed summary of the contents of the Arbudakhaṇḍa, constituting the third section of the Prabhāsakhaṇḍa, the 7th khaṇḍa of the Skanda Purāṇa. advises the king to devote a part of his time every day for hearing the narrations of history. Like the other three sections of the Prabhāsakhaṇḍa, numbering 491 adhyāyas in total, also the Arbuda-khaṇḍa, counting 63 adhyayas and 1825 ślokas, is a māhātmya, devoted to the magnification of the region of mount Arbuda (or Ābū, as it is called nowadays), the highest peak of the Aravalli range in southern Rājasthān near the Gujarat border. Commentary | 24-08-2018. Moreover, regional differences and the customs of various countries are to be taken into account … View Academics in Itihasa-Purana Tradition on Academia.edu. How did the early Indian historical tradition, as reflected in Itihasa-Purana, emerge? A) Carlo Ginzburg B) Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie C) Ferdinand Braudel D) Marc Bloch Ans: A 2. The itihasa-purana tradition was compared with histories produced in ancient Greece and Rome, and were found wanting. A History of Ancient and Early Medieval India: From the Stone Age to the 12th Century, p. 202. Locational hints for each of the places marked on the map are given below seriatim. These factories produced seals, toys and bone implements. No historian of philosophy, to our knowledge, has been able to get over the prejudice that all religious thought subsequent to the Vedas and Upanishads, and apart from the later sy… The Mahabharata consists of a 1,00,000 verses divided into 10 books, parvas, with many interpolations, known an Itihasa Purana (mythical history). Just better. The itihasa-purana tradition was compared with histories produced in ancient Greece and Rome, and were found wanting. History Optional Online Course cum Test Series- 2021 [Batch III], History Optional Online Course cum Test Series- 2021 [Batch II], History Optional Online Course cum Test Series- 2021 [Batch I], HISTORY OPTIONAL ONLINE COURSE CUM TEST SERIES- 2020 [Batch V] [In English and Hindi], UPSC HISTORY OPTIONAL ONLINE COURSE CUM TEST SERIES- 2020 [Batch IV]: (In English and Hindi), UPSC History Optional Online Course cum Test Series- 2020 [Batch III], BPSC History Optional Test Series- 2021 बीपीएससी इतिहास वैकल्पिक टेस्ट सीरीज- 2021, UPSC History Optional Online Test Series cum Study Materials- 2020 [Batch II], UPSC History Optional Online Course cum Test Series – 2020 [Batch I], History Optional Online Test Series-2019 [Batch- IV], History Optional Comprehensive Study Material cum Online Test Series- 2019 [Batch III], History Optional Comprehensive Study Material cum Online Test Series- 2019 [Batch II], History Optional Comprehensive Study Material cum Online Test Series- 2019 [Batch I], History Optional Online Test Series-2018 [Batch- II], History Optional Online Test Series: 2018 [Batch I], ONLINE TEST SERIES: History Optional Mains 2017, Previous Years Solved Papers of History Optional, History Optional Previous Years Question Papers with Solution [UPSC], Ancient India: Previous Years’ Questions with Solutions [UPSC], Medieval India: Previous Years’ Questions with Solutions [UPSC], Modern India: Previous Years’ Questions with Solutions [UPSC], World History: Previous Years’ Questions with Solutions [UPSC], History Optional Previous Years Solved Questions [UPPSC and BPSC], Daily and Weekly Problem Practise (History Optional), Strategy for Essay and Essay Improvement Program, Topic Wise Materials of General Studies for IAS, UPSC Strategies, Answer Sheets and Previous Years’ Papers, UPSC Strategies, Interviews and Answer Sheets of Toppers, Write a short essay on: “Chaitanyadeva and Vaishnavism”.