Trademark class 30: Auxiliary Food and Beverage Items. USPTO classes help keep track of and differentiate between the thousands of new trademarks registered each year. +91 9717109099 +91-9717344473 Knowledge Hub Income Tax eFiling GST Filing ExpertsDesk Login / Register Cart 0 May 10, 2019 Posted by admin. Additional fees are required for each registered class. Trademark Class 30 incorporates coffee, tea, cocoa and artificial coffee; rice; tapioca and sago; flour and preparations made from cereals. It also applies to any and all packaging for those items. Facebook Twitter Reddit LinkedIn WhatsApp Tumblr Pinterest Vk Email. According to NICE Classification, Trademark Class 30 is opted to register a trademark for coffee, flour, rice, cereals, bread, and confectionaries. Description. Trademark Class 30: Coffee, Flour, Rice Products. As an easy way to remember Class 30, consider that many of the included products are processed goods derived from plants. Understanding Trademark Class 30 Goods. Trademark Class 30 is for Coffee, Flour and Rice Goods. Trademark Class 30 of Trademark Registration Classes in India includes number of food items like bread, coffee, tea, pastries, chocolate and more. Class 30: Auxiliary Food and Beverage Items . For background on what related goods and services are and why this matters for your trademark application, see our likelihood of confusion page . Two classes can be coordinated if many of the goods or services in one class are related to the goods or services in the other class. Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! By afro | December 3rd, 2020 | Trademark Classes | Comments Off on TRADEMARK CLASS 30- BEVERAGES AND STAPLE FOOD PRODUCTS. Related Posts TRADEMARK CLASS 45- FOR LEGAL, CONSULTANCY AND SOCIAL SERVICES. In most jurisdictions, the products for which trademarks are registered are categorized using the 45 product classes of the International Classification of Goods and Services under the Nice Agreement.Classes 1 to 34 are used for goods and classes 35 to 45 for services. Highly significant and eminent is the trademark class 30 in connection with the vast world of trademarks, and registrations of these, especially at the international levels. Goods / Trademark Class 30 - NICE Classification Explanatory Note Class 30 includes mainly foodstuffs of plant origin prepared for consumption or conservation as well as auxiliaries intended for the improvement of the flavour of food. The International (Nice) Classification of Goods and Services classifies different goods and services into 45 Trademark Classes (1 to 34 cover Goods, and 35 to 45 cover Services). There are 45 trademark classes, which are also referred to as Nice Classification (NCL) after the city in France where the first classes were negotiated in 1957. Find list of items falling under trademark registration class 30. The NICE Classification was established in 1957 by NICE Agreement, and it divides marks into 45 different classes by Goods and Services (Classes 1-34 for Goods and Classes 35-45 for Services). Class 30 is one of the broadest trademark classes, consisting of a wide array of staple foodstuffs. This classification is used by Indian Trademark Registry to classify the trademarks.