When pruning avocado trees, remember this: always prune with a purpose and avoid under- or over-pruning the avocado trees. Light Pruning. Prune when the tree is producing fruit, or shortly after, in order to avoid cutting out fruiting branches. Otherwise, enjoy the beauty! To conserve moisture, mulch trees with 3 or 4 inches of coarse wood chips. Use thinning cuts to reduce the height and width to your chosen limits. Because of the amount of pruning needed, keeping the avocado as a houseplant just means you won’t actually get any fruit off the tree. But these sub-tropical plants are not hard to grow in a large pot, and reward the gardener with eye-catching glossy dark leaves as well as a luscious harvest. Before pruning, picture what you want the avocado tree to look like now and in 2, 5, 10 and 15 years. Avocado trees don’t like to be overly cute, mainly when they produce fruit. Prune horizontal branches developing low to the ground, as these interfere with tree access Keep the tree consistently watered; water deeply to soak the roots and then … If your avocado leaves are turning brown because of salt accumulation, … Where to Buy Avocado Trees. You can keep pinching back your avocado tree to keep it under control. In either case, when pruning avocado trees, never remove more than one-third of a branch. This is not a problem. I personally recommend watching the video below to learn more about pruning avocado trees in pots: Tip #9 – Don’t Forget to Repot your Avocado Tree. Stimulate lateral branch growth by trimming off terminal buds with a hand saw, clippers or loppers. Read this article for instructions on sprouting avocado seeds. The following year, trim the next tallest, and so on. require very little pruning or training. In either case, when pruning avocado trees, never remove more than one-third of a branch. In their natural habitat, avocado trees grow just fine without pruning. Pruning tools should be cleaned regularly, and sick â or unhealthy â trees should be pruned separately from the healthy trees in order to prevent the spread of sunblotch and fungal â or bacterial â diseases like blackstreak. Disinfect your tools. Columnar growing species need some heading and pinching to encourage branching growth. Showing where, how, and why I make the cuts. Avocado trees do not need or like heavy pruning. Water them when the soil gets dry and make sure to watch for any signs of pests that may have moved indoors to get at the tree. Almost all of its live branches and fruit are up high or at the outer edge of its canopy. If you wish to do a heavy pruning on your avocado tree, then you may want to wait until late winter or early spring, which is right before the active growing period for the tree. Beyond that, pruning will likely be limited to what’s needed to contain its size, removing deadwood or branches that are crossing over or congesting the canopy. The adage of “prune avocado trees cautiously” was heard round the avocado community and as a result many growers would not do anything. California Avocado Commission. General timing principles for pruning avocado trees are: Pruning your avocado tree will promote more tree growth and increase the number of avocados you get. Change the water regularly within 2-4 we… There are different pruning methods that can be used to manage avocado tree size and improve light interception. When it comes to avocado trees, less pruning is better. Deadwood removal at any time is encouraged and major structural pruning in summer should be avoided to prevent sunburn. The following year, trim the next tallest, and so on. With just the seeds from the avocados you have eaten, you can grow an avocado as a houseplant indoors. Once your indoor avocado trees are good sized, you may wonder exactly how to prune an avocado tree in order to keep it small and houseplant size. Pruning Your Young Tree to Encourage Growth 1. Hygiene is also very important when pruning avocado trees. Opening the canopy will protect the tree in … big problems with dwarf avocado tree. You can protect a newly planted tree from sunburn by washing its trunk with a solution of equal parts latex paint and water. Dead branches can, however, be withdrawn whenever you want. It is that simple. Furthermore, they are fun to grow! If you let your avocado grow wild this plant will grow into a very large tree. Become a Certified Organic Avocado Grower, Financial Resources for Organic Producers, Ag Employee and Employer COVID-19 Resources, Executive Orders, Directives and Critical Infrastructure Definitions, California Avocado Industry Impact Reports, Stumping (stag-horning); remember to whitewash the trunks, Prune horizontal branches developing low to the ground, as these interfere with tree access, Push light into the tree interior, by cutting "windows" in the canopy, Trees grown on slopes should be pruned to a lower height than trees on flat land, Space the main limbs 3- to 4- feet apart, to allow access inside the tree, Rejuvenation can require cutting the tree back to the main trunk; however, donât expect production in the second year, Eliminate 'v-type' crotches, as these are mechanically weak and prone to developing rots, Make major cuts clean, and in line, with the trunk contour, When renovating a grove, aim to remove large, interfering â and low-lying â laterals, badly crossed limbs and spilt crotches, Pruning needs to balance the sideâshoot growth and remove strong, upright water shoots, in order to achieve a good central-leader shape, A conical, or pyramidal, tree shape enables good light interception and minimizes unproductive bare areas, Constant attention to pruning detail, with small cuts at the correct time, minimizes need for additional major pruning cuts. Remove the pit from the avocado and give it a good wash. To prune an avocado tree for the first time, you can pinch it back when it grows to about a foot tall. Before starting to talk about the pruning of the avocado tree I am … You will want to do two types of pruning on your avocado plant: light pruning and heavy pruning. Remove any branches that are crossing or rubbing against each other. Cut the central stem once it’s 6 inches (15 cm) tall. Avocado trees benefit from pruning during the first two years to encourage branching. My yearly pruning of a Hass avocado tree that I keep to 15 feet tall. These tools are smaller and can typically handle smaller growths. Remember that avocado trees tend to be broad-spreading trees with only moderate apical dominance. Pruning should be done as soon as possible after harvesting avocados. The best time to prune Hass avocado trees is when they are dormant in winter, and growth is slow. Trimming the tips of the tallest branches will cause the tree to grow wide instead of tall. Ensure the flat end of the seed is at the bottom and the pointier at the top. After that, use a balanced citrus tree fertilizer, and follow the instructions. Anyone with an avocado tree on their property can benefit from these helpful tips relating to pruning. Focus on removing the dominant, vertical shoots. Only prune-out dead and crossing branches or cut the tree to limit size. Use hand pruners for branches less than 1 inch (2.5 cm) in diameter. Dispose of infected prunings responsibly. In a pot or a garden, however, they can quickly become out of control. Continue removing the tallest branch each winter until the tree is maintained at a manageable height. Once the avocado’s central stem is 6 inches (15 cm) tall, cut... 3. Deciding when to prune avocado trees depends on the desire result. Light pruning is gentle shaping to help make the tree grow bushier or to control its shape. When it comes to the width of the tree, start with the longest, most unruly branch first and work your way in each year with another branch. Regular Pruning of California Avocado Trees Remove the tallest branch in the late winter or early spring of each year to control the height of the tree. Also remember that what works for one tree may not work for another tree â pruning should be done on a case-by-case basis as no two avocado trees are the same. Basic shaping of avocado trees should start in the nursery, while training should begin immediately following planting. The ideal shape for an avocado is to have a spreading but dense crown. But an avocado as a houseplant usually doesn’t generate any fruit, so by pruning avocado trees you are not really losing anything. Within your comfortable reach is a good guide – leave the ladders to the roofers! Pierce seed with three toothpicks and submerge the bottom in water. Avocado trees grow well in USDA climate zones 9 to 11. Prune back vigorous central shoots while the tree is still young. Do not prune the tree heavily. How to Plant Avocado Trees. Use preventive pruning year-round. Please find more about those topics in my post “Pruning avocado trees.”) So I set up my camera and recorded video as I pruned the Hass. Growing avocados outdoors as productive fruit trees can be tricky, but growing them as houseplants is fun and easy. Less Pruning Is Best. This is why large avocado trees are like caverns, where the inside is nearly empty and most of the leaves and fruit form a dome. Just prune your Avocado to shape the tree and to control its height. Your pruning should aim to maximise the amount of light the tree gets and also manage tree size and shape. Avocado trees (Persea spp.) If you need to prune out dead, broken or diseased branches, try to avoid cutting or damaging branches with buds or flowers. After the tree has reached one foot, pinch back the stem until it is around six inches tall. Fast Growing Trees. With yearly pruning, you can keep your tree to a manageable size. 2. If you have enough patience, your seedling will eventually turn into an attractive little specimen with glossy, oval leaves 4 to 8 inches long. When the tree has produced several crops of fruit, it is desirable to remove the entire top of the tree, then prune yearly to maintain the tree at a workable height. Hand pruners are perfect for removing smaller branches in the tree’s canopy to let the sun shine through. This is a hundred-year-old avocado tree at The Huntington. Prune to open the tree’s canopy. If you want to trim back the height, trim the tallest branch off the tree. The average outdoor avocado tree can grow to be 40 to 80 feet (12-24 m.) tall. Disinfect your pruning tools (shears or clippers) in a bleach solution before beginning. There are no set rules when it comes to pruning avocado trees. This results in damage and appears as burned leaf tips and even an early leaf drop. Find more gardening information on Gardening Know How: Keep up to date with all that's happening in and around the garden. Very little is needed to get started, all you’ll need is three toothpicks, one avocado and a glass of water. Avocado trees are evergreen trees that can grow to be 40 to 80 feet tall. These trees will live a long healthy life indoors if you take proper care of them. When it comes to the width of the tree, start with the longest, most unruly branch first and work your way in each year with another branch. The best time when to prune an avocado tree is really anytime, as long as you are doing a light pruning. Starting an avocado at home is simple enough. If you want to trim back the height, trim the tallest branch off the tree. The trees growing larger and larger and larger with the fruiting canopy going higher and higher and higher and picking costs and liability going up. This will help encourage bushier growth. All rights reserved. Pruning. Avocado trees do not need much pruning. To reduce the need for major pruning, you can … Always leave several inches between the mulch and tree trunk. The avocado as a houseplant shouldn’t be treated any differently than those grown outdoors, so pruning avocado trees indoors is no different. What âand how much â is removed, depends on the reason(s) for pruning. Some experts don't recommend fertilizing avocado trees the first year. Sign up to get all the latest gardening tips! Sign up for our newsletter. Avocado Harvest Time: Tips For Picking Avocados, Sprouting Avocado Pits: How To Root An Avocado Seed, Avocado Tree Grafting – Caring For A Grafted Avocado Tree, Rose Garden Plants – Alexandre Girault Climbing Rose Care, Rose Topiary Tree: How To Prune A Rose Topiary, Spindly Knockout Roses: Pruning Knockout Roses That Have Gone Leggy, Growing And Planting Smoke Trees In The Landscape, Information On How To Prune Roots On Houseplants, Organic Gardening Soil Inoculants – Benefits Of Using A Legume Inoculant, Grass Fungus Treatment – Learn More About Common Lawn Diseases, Unrequited Love: When Roses Don’t Love You Back, Garden Fails: Learning From My Rose Garden Mistakes, Growing Roses That Can Handle Some Setbacks, Memorable Moments: Growing Potted Roses In The City Of Roses. Interesting facts about avocado. This will ensure that the tree regains its full shape faster. Avocado trees are generally more susceptible to the accumulation of salts than other trees. Pruning involves large branches, small branches and flowering branches. (Just to note: this post is not about reducing the size of a large avocado tree, nor how to make cuts, nor why to prune in general, nor which shape is best for an avocado tree, etc. Heavy pruning that requires chainsaws is not recommended or necessary for healthy avocado trees. Pruning in spring is used to invigorate the trees and encourage new growth, while pruning in winter is used to devigorate the trees, control tree size and shape. You may think that only those who live in the sunny South can enjoy the fruits of an avocado tree. An avocado tree ( Persea americana ), hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9 through 12, can be grown from a seed taken from a grocery store avocado and may produce fruit eventually. This is especially important when training for the central-leader shape. In a two for one deal those thinning cuts also open the tree for light and airflow. Posted on February 10, 2021 by - UncategorisedUncategorised © 2020. Avocado trees are arguably one of the easiest plants to grow in your own home.