To do so, get hold of a thunderstorm sound CD and play this sound every day. Check out products that may help your dog weather the storm. Method 3 of 3: Medicating Your Dog During a Storm. Severe thunderstorm anxiety can endanger a panicky dog's life. Registered in Scotland. Thunderstorm anxiety affects many dogs and can often increase as they age. If you start sending your dog mixed signals, you can undo the work that you’re trying to do. It may be especially effective in dogs with separation anxiety issues, as its calming effects may last up to 8 hours. Your pet’s anxiety and fear may become quite severe. Take your pet for a quick walk in the garden or even try some swimming or hide-n-seek game. Once the storm starts the dog is unlikely to go outside to relieve itself. How to Calm Dogs During Thunderstorms. If your dog is scared of fireworks and storms, this music can really help them to relax. There are 12 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. Want to find out how to stop a dog barking? Smile and speak in a calm, reassuring to… Almost everytime there is a thunderstorm, 1 or 2 other dogs from my neighborhood end up running over to our house. if you … When dogs are afraid, they go where they feel the most safe – a kennel, the closet, under the covers in the bed. Try a Thundershirt. Please consider supporting our work with a contribution to wikiHow. (by the way i have a dog who doesn't mind storms too much) I do my best to calm them down and make them feel comforted but one time (when i was at a friends house) the dog even jumped into the pool! The loud noises, static electricity, and barometric pressure changes cause fear, anxiety, and panic. I've heard having a second dog might help calm him. This article has been viewed 144,407 times. She has been voted the best private dog trainer in the San Francisco Bay Area 4 times by SF Chronicle and by Bay Woof, and she has won 4 "Top Dog Blog" awards. Beverly Ulbrich. You can also try drowning out the thunder by turning up the TV, putting on music, or turning on the washing machine. wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. Our dog Irie was always afraid of fireworks (as well as thunder, gunshots, and other loud sounds). Dogs that eat a natural diet, free from unnecessary sugars and fillers tend to be calmer and more balanced mentally. If your dog has thunderstorm phobia and a storm hits, you have lost the battle. Give it to the dog before situations that tend to cause anxiety and over-excitability in your dog. Clomicalm can be quite effective when used every day during thunderstorm season. If you have a question, join up and ask the experts. So, showing them we are calm and relaxed is likely to help the dog understand there is no real danger,” explains Dr. McGowan. Turn up the television or music to drown out the noise. Sileo It comes in a easy to use gel that you simply dial the dose and apply to your dogs gums to help calm him. Trust is built from how your respond to all their communication signals throughout their day with you. Beverly Ulbrich is a Dog Behaviorist and Trainer and the Founder of The Pooch Coach, a private dog training business based in the San Francisco Bay Area. How do you calm a dog down during a thunderstorm? Although the name would suggest that it is only intended for thunderstorms, the Thundershirt actually helps to calm a number of different anxieties in dogs. Calming Remedies. You’re going to want to give your dog a treat when he is calm—the same as you would if you had waited for him to calm down. To educate them to, Easy dog training tips to help you gain the best relationship with your dog. The coat is a well known remedy for stress. Why Are Dogs Afraid of Thunderstorms? It depends on what you call calm. If your dog gets anxiety during thunderstorms or fireworks, call us at 303-688-3757.Or: It is still not clear as what triggers this kind […] Giving it to them when they are awake can help calm them down during stressful situations. How do I calm down a dog during a thunderstorm? No, there isn’t any clinical evidence yet. Our natural canine behaviourist, Caroline Spencer, gives you her 5 easy. Is this true? Cover her crate with a blanket for extra comfort. Do they tremble and hide at the first drop of rain? It's best to let him stay in the box. In the beginning, your dog will not like this exercise. 5 ways to calm dog storm anxiety Give your dog a safe space. If your pet gets stressed out during a thunderstorm it can be stressful for everyone in the household. Certified Dog Trainer. What to do if your dog is scared during a thunderstorm They do have places to go to feel safe, and I do. By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. It may even help the dog get back to sleep if it wakes up due to the storm. Our Doberman Nina is 55lbs compared to Odie’s 12lbs and she needs half the amount of CBD that Odie does to relax during a thunderstorm. Bring your dog indoors during a storm. You can place it on his own bed, in his special hiding place or just cover him up wherever he happens to be. Consult the product directions for safety information. Gradually increase the volume until your dog doesn't even notice the difference between real thunder and silence. Help your dog feel more calm and relaxed. Training your dog with an indoor leash is also highly effective. The Thundershirt is an anxiety vest that can calm your dog during a storm by applying mild pressure to specific pressure points in your dog’s body. Some suffer heart attacks. A thunder jacket replicates swaddling and may sooth your dog into a calmer state. Distract your dog. ", this gets overlooked when people are upset about their dog's fear. If your dog is scared of thunderstorms, try calling it to you as soon as you hear thunder and help it find a safe spot to hide such as under a table or in a dog crate with a blanket draped over it. Step 3. Do not let the dog chew dryer sheets. 1. If you know a thunderstorm is coming, let your dog outside to go to the bathroom. Our 7 quick wins below have helped thousands of dogs over the years. Help your dog by being calm and happy, not by overloading it with sympathy. Play with your dog to keep him calm. Then reward your dog after they’ve successfully followed your command. If your dog is fearful of thunder, then you are not alone. Be sure to consult your veterinarian before using, the oils are very concentrated and can be harmful to your skin as well as your dog's. "This article helped to assure me that I have been instinctively doing the right things. Thunderstorm season can be stressful for certain people and for their pets. Up to 30% of dogs are terrified by the rumblings of thunderstorms, howling winds, and driving rain. As a responsible pet owner, it is beneficial to know how to calm a dog during a thunderstorm. If so, he's certainly not alone. How do you calm a dog down during a thunderstorm? We were able to manage her fears with a variety of techniques, patience, and products. Provide a safe indoor area, like a crate. You should also close the curtains so the lights won’t scare your dog, and try to distract it with a game like tug of war or a puzzle board. This article was co-authored by Beverly Ulbrich. How to Calm Your Dog During a Thunderstorm. If your dog isn't showing any signs of fear, then you don't need to do anything. I may also try a thunder shirt on them. Prepare for the next storm. Bring your dog to a family member’s house or invite someone over to play. Why Do Dogs Freak Out During Thunderstorms? She has been voted the best private dog trainer in the San Francisco Bay Area 4 times by SF Chronicle and by Bay Woof, and she has won 4 "Top Dog Blog" awards. Some dogs have jumped through glass windows or scrambled over fences trying to flee the noise of a thunderstorm. The other dogs usually stay a night or two until we find their owners. First, try to distract the dog … Thunderstorm phobia in dogs is real, not uncommon ... 'Come on and lie down here,' and the dog still knows what to do." Putting her in s small, "I especially liked the tip about not over reassuring the dog. If strange situations make your pet nervous, too, strike up an indoor game of fetch or give them a bath. ", "Did everything you suggested and it worked! Some even suggest that you line your dog’s hiding area with foil. Our veterinarians have seen it in just about every breed of dog. You could try a thunder shirt and some lavender spray to calm him. Approved. Over the years, we’ve tried a few different holistic vet recommended, natural remedies to help calm his anxiety during thunderstorms and fireworks. Reward for calm behavior in the presence of the feared sound. Why Your Dog Freaks Out During Thunderstorms—And What to Do With summer around the corner, we looked into what causes storm anxiety, and how to soothe our canines. As the rain starts to pound on the windows, you may find Rover hiding under a … Beverly has over 17 years of dog behavior training experience and specializes in dog aggression and anxiety training. You can try to desensitize it to the sound of the thunderstorm. A study by veterinarian and biobehavioral specialist Dr. Nancy Dreschel demonstrated that dogs who lived with other pups showed significantly less increase in the stress-related hormone cortisol during storms than … Before attending to your frightened friend, take a breath and gather your own calm around you. In this case, 100% of readers who voted found the article helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. If at any time this appears to be causing more stress, stop, and work on calming your dog. Thunderstorm anxiety is terrifying for a dog, and is heartbreaking for an owner to watch. If gentle, patient retraining doesn't help your pooch, there are some prescriptions that can. Trust is not built on training your dog to perform sit, stay etc. Wrap Your Dog in a Blanket It may not be as effective as a Thundershirt but wrapping your dog in a big, heavy blanket may alleviate some of … The good news is that you don’t have to lose the war. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. Have they ever chewed or scratched your doors or windows in an effort to get inside the house (or vice versa) during a storm? For more tips, including how to prevent your dog’s fear of thunderstorms, keep reading! Hands-on “touch” therapy, exercise, homeopathic supplements, and even short-term use of veterinary anti-anxiety meds may all prove helpful to ease the fears of frightened pets. Do not just give your dog treats when it is stressed. Rubbing your dog down with a dryer sheet will help make the uncomfortable sensations go away. In a dog crate, with a blanket draped over it. This article was co-authored by Beverly Ulbrich. Do not punish a dog exhibiting fear or anxiety during a storm. His comfort ultimately lies in his confidence in you. Give him treats and encouragement while he stays calm...rinse and repeat nightly or weekly, depending on the time of year. A nice relaxing tune can help to calm your dog's frazzled nerves. For example, treat your house like an indoor obstacle course and lead your dog around asking him/her to perform certain commands. Many dogs are lost, injured or killed in traffic each year as they try to flee storms. increase the TV volume. If your dog is anxious during thunderstorms, be careful that the things you do to calm … If your dog is afraid of thunder, play calming music to drown out the thunder claps. If your dog is afraid of thunder, play calming music to drown out the thunder claps. Act like the thunderstorm is not a big deal. In this state, dogs can injure themselves and damage property. A good idea is to get in bed and have them come up. Bach flower extracts (as found in Bach’s Rescue Remedy ), diffusing lavender oil, and dog pheromones can promote relaxation. You won't be able to "cure" your dog from being afraid of thunderstorms, but you can help quell dog anxiety by paying attention to dog behavior. 2 Minute Read 3 Guidelines To Help Your Dog Cope With A Thunderstorm • Have a quiet space for your dog to go. And yes, there are things you can give your dog to calm him down. Follow the same routine you would any other night. Valerian is a sedative herb that relieves tension, anxiety, and over-excitability in dogs. My pug gets extremely upset during thunderstorms, and we have a lot of them. It can be heartbreaking to watch the way your dog starts behaving during a thunderstorm. The best thing you can do is prepare for the experience and offer kind and supportive words whenever you can speak them. Valerian can be bought dried or in capsule form and given to the dog orally, wrapped in a piece of cheese, or with a treat.