from Reed Station, Tiburon Peninsula, Marin County, California, Albite var. Eleven additional peaks taller than 14,000 feet are also found along the parks' eastern boundaries at the crest of the Sierra Nevada. from Point Vincente, Palos Verdes Hills, Los Angeles County, California, Barite California is the sole producer of boron and rare earths and a leading producer of aggregates, cement, diatomite, feldpar, pumice, soda ash, and produced the widest variety of … The minerals illustrated sold previously and are for photographic reference only. In fact the California state rock is serpentine, a testament to how common it is to find it … Demantoid Garnet Included in the Parks' mountainous landscape is the tallest mountain in the contiguous United States, Mt. 463. from Grass Valley, Nevada County, California, Antimony Beryllium. We offer free activities for children and youth groups, including our Junior Ranger Program. from New Idria District, San Benito County, California, Andradite-Almandine Garnet on Albite California isn't called the Golden State for nothing. ; Hardness: This is measured with the Mohs scale and refers to the minerals contained within a rock. from Miracle Mountain Mine, Garnet Hill, Calaveras County, California, Andradite Garnet We also provide school tours relating to geology, Benitoite: Benitoite is a rare gemstone / mineral that fluoresces when lit by black lights.It gets its name from San Benito County, California where it was first found. from Santa Rita Peak, New Idria District, San Benito County, California, Andradite var. from Crestmore Quarry, Riverside County, California, Axinite-(Fe) Andesine The green material can be especially attractive. The most common type of asbestos found in California is chrysotile, a serpentine mineral. Melanite Garnet with Clinochlore from Green Fire Mine, New Idria District, San Benito County, California, Andradite var. Muscovite—White mica, found in all kinds of rocks. Aluminum originates as an oxide called alumina. Melanite Garnet from La Zanja Canyon, San Diego County, California, Barite pseudomorph after Inesite Beryllium is an alkaline metallic element that is highly toxic. from Crestmore Quarry, Riverside County, California, AllMinerals -- JohnBetts-FineMinerals Online Mineral Museum. Pyroxene —A group of dark minerals of igneous and metamorphic rocks. A large area of the mine has been recently bulldozed and a bulk of common opal can be excavated from the surface itself. . California Vesuvianite: Vesuvianite is a complex silicate mineral also known as "idocrase". from Dry wash on Highway 2, near Wrightwood, San Bernadino County, California, Afwillite In the States, particularly in the Atolia-Randsburg district of California and in the Boulder County tungsten district, Colo., considerable tonnages of tungsten minerals have been recovered from eluvial or residual placer deposits. Whitney, which rises to 14,491 feet above sea level. One can find various colors of the stone here such as white, yellow, red, orange, green and honey. This page features an alphabetical list of minerals. Benitoite - Dallas Gem Mine, California State Gem Stone, 2.5cm x 3.5cm Actinolite - Former collection of Al McGuiness, 5.8cm x 4.0cm Grossular - 3.2cm x 4.5cm Nine minerals are thus found associated together here—quartz, feldspar, muscovite, garnet, hematite, oligoclase, [and] green, red, and black tourmaline. This gallery is part of the photographic archive of minerals. from New Idria District, San Benito County, California, Andradite var. from (New Melones Dam), Calaveras County, California, Axinite-(Fe), Epidote, Albite, Palygorskite from San Diego County, California, Albite var. from Crestmore Quarry, Crestmore, Riverside County, California, Allanite-(Ce) ¸g¶Ê?ÜÓ„ ¾6„iX>n^;Ÿs!y­½œ°?i¾ùd0€hÊh†8vÁp‰}X�¤�¹Ê¬MF9i Äó:BÀ:OJ:ÒFpz€É«LöM�¼^B 3©Ë�ɹ£Â@¹ˆ1ë\Fbf—"gæ~��lŒ@Ğ[”Î K£ª!’êÈz�:d½ -Ìõ8 from Cahuilla Lake, near Indio, Riverside County, California, Almandine Garnet These pages assume you understand such properties as cleavage, fracture, streak, luster, hardness, etc. from Verdi Mine, Rosamond, Kern County, California, Axinite-(Fe) n};ş‰×Ù²Ÿ3FvbÎ+9�›:bv4j"ã'–B× a9'»†~`ÍF’:Ö«p&ôÒ¸§µ™°eY@1JÂ�Ëâi¢% "P€�6Š€åÃpÂ5áZ0œ5R�T Chiastolite The California Department of Conservation's Division of Mine Reclamation (DMR) compiles data on the current status of mines and the commodities produced. from Highway 466 road cut, near Morro Bay, San Luis Obispo County, California, Aragonite Serpentine - California State Rock - Serpentine is the metamorphosed remains of magnesium-rich igneous rocks, most commonly peridotite, from the earth's mantle. from Inyo Range, Mono County, California, Andalusite var. from New Idria District, Santa Teresa Hills, Santa Clara County, California, Andradite var. Oligoclase A somewhat similar occurrence of minerals is reported from the mountains of Lower California, but nothing is known about it. Gemstones Gemstones form when mineral-rich solutions crystallize deep underground. It is made of silicon dioxide (SiO2), otherwise known as silica. Chiastolite from Sweetwater Mine, Morro Bay, San Luis Obispo County, California, Aragonite from Champion Mine, 6 km WSW of White Mountain Peak, White Mountains, Mono County, California, Andalusite var. Topazolite Garnet from Miracle Mountain Mine, Calaveras County, California, Bakerite from Pappas Prospect, Mount Morrison District, Mono County, California, Andradite Garnet Opal Hill Mine, Mule Mountains District, Riverside Co., California. Melanite from KCA Co. Asbestos Mine, Clear Creek area, San Benito County, California, Aragonite from New Melones Dam, Calaveras County, California, Axinite-(Fe) Melanite Garnet from Darwin Mining District, Inyo County, California, Aragonite from Himalaya Mine, Mesa Grande District, San Diego County, California, Albite var. California, also known as the Golden State, is known for the Gold Rush of 1849, but this Pacific Coast state is also home to several forms of mineral gemstones. from Mariposa Creek, Indian Gulch Quadrant (Sect. The owner of this site did not collect the minerals and collectors should not assume access is permitted to the property based on inclusion in this museum. Please contact the property owner to obtain legal permission before entering private property. Topazolite on Clinochlore California Department of Conservation administers a variety of programs vital to California's public safety, environment and economy. from Point Vicente, Palos Verdes Hills, Los Angeles County, California, Barite The range of gemstones in California includes one of the most common varieties, the quartz, and one of the rarest gemstones in the world, benitoite. from Genesee Valley, Plumas County, California, Axinite-(Fe) from New Idria District, San Benito County, California, Andradite var. from near the Benitoite Gem Mine, San Benito County, California, Andradite var. from Clear Creek Area, New Idria District, San Benito County, California, Aurichalcite Demantoid Garnet from Ad Hoc #2 Mine, New Idria District, San Benito County, California, Andradite var. from Miracle Mountain Mine, Garnet Hill, near Volcano, Calaveras County, California, Andradite Garnet in Quartz The Greek word ὄφις, ophis (snake) is found in the name of ophiolites, because of the superficial texture of some of them.Serpentinite especially evokes a snakeskin. from New Idria District, San Benito County, California, Andradite var. Plants, grasses, trees, water and also snow cover a great deal of the solid portion of the earth so that in hunting rocks and minerals from Crestmore Quarry, Riverside County, California, Albite from Mountain Pass Mine, Clark Mountains, San Bernardino County, California, Bastnäsite-(Ce) (Rare Earth Element Ore) It is known for its sugary … Fluorite Fluorite is a halide that is soft and usually colorless but can be blue, purple, green, brown, or … from Ad Hoc #2 Mine, New Idria District, San Benito County, California, Andradite var. This beautiful specimen of silver ore comes from the country of Peru in South America. from Grass Valley, Nevada County, California, Anorthite and hornblende from Crestmore Quarry, Crestmore, Riverside County, California, Axinite-(Fe) and Albite from Pala District, San Diego County, California, Andalusite Arnimite àP†�6˜-(zUI&0™) ,şÙ>OË>ØnˆÿPRËÚ=%mP�ÉÀ,*…Ú´*)ZÕ� Û¨w#&ÓÒiÖÀß«. from New Idria District, San Benito County, California, Andradite var. Quartz Quartz is one of the most common minerals in the Earth's crust. Melanite-Topazolite Garnet 2667 | Aluminum The most abundant metal element in Earth’s crust. Actinolite from Reed Station, Tiburon Peninsula, Marin County, California Actinolite from Dry wash on Highway 2, near Wrightwood, San Bernadino County, California Afwillite from Crestmore Quarry, Riverside County, California Afwillite with Bultfonteinite from Crestmore Quarry, Riverside County, California