Don’t give up! I pray and fast try my best each day to pick up my cross and walk with the Lord. Sometimes around my waist i feel hot and sensational in my stomach. Please guide her to a church where she can grow in faith and feel happiness and forget that these suicidal thoughts were even a problem. It would be like I was abandoning them to such an abyss. I recently was baptized and since then have had a few amazing encounters with God. But we have to forgive. Everytime I go thru this I Lord makes me grow in my knowledge of him and my walk with him……….. Remember read Jesus’s words on the bible, by reading his words you will know the truth and the truth will be in you. It’s possible to have small seizures which aren’t noticeable but can also have symptoms you describe. Loss of control of my arms , legs, eyes. Meaning, you can always release what you’re feeling and these demons will definitely disappear in your dreams. Abnormal amounts of dizziness, blackouts, and seizures. However, If someone is demonized from the outside, they could release a demon to harass someone. I hope that God will fill your heart with love and compassion for others with this struggle and it will be more and more clear as to how to help them. Do not be sad as your son and husband are resting with the lord. Can also receive choking sensations and a tightness around their head and eye areas. I didn’t realise that I was living in a bubble, the guy would do things contrary to scripture and I would make excuses but they were signs all along to show me how deceptive he was. Talking out of my mouth took everything I had going for me. I love this song. Proverbs 11:1 A false balance is abomination to the Lord: but a just weight is His delight. Remember God is always in control. JESUS himself prayed the FATHER that WE (you, me, and all born again believers would be ONE.. just as Jesus and FATHER are one. I was up and about walking thru the house before that working, and didn’t feel cold at all. Joshua that the deliverer (we know that Jesus is the actual deliverer) can set the demons’ house on fire by calling the fire of God/Holy Spirit/Heaven to fill the pserson’s body. Don’t despair! I’ve also learned a lot through being tired of seeing how easy it was for Satan to do what he does in trying to take over that I sit and observe as he does what he does to me I take from him and increase my security in Christ Jesus. I was doing better in my fasting and prayer life, and celebrated Christmas with such interior joy..but when New year hit…all of the sudden, it was like *WHAM, a heaviness encompassed me that I haven’t been able to shake… My prayer life is dismal, I go to church on sundays still..but totally lethargic, heavy, slightly depressed and very easily distracted from prayer or Scripture readings.. Who were they held captive by? The confusing part is that I operate in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. i can see the future and im ill all the time. So just a few months ago I met my current boyfriend who is now living with me. One of the 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit is the gift of discerning of spirits. I have not been able to breath fresh air in years, I am still in shock. To cure demons in your head, soak it in holy water. My spirit in Him has been awakened. I can feel weird presences whenever I try to pray that I know aren’t God. I was happy and content until one day things started going downhill. Anger is also fear, just directed in a different path with more intense negative emotions and energy added to it. He slowly changed and became dominant, arrogantetc. During this first year everything I have received was a miracle and gift from the Father. Make sure the people, pastors that are praying for him as well have been praying g and fasting…. It’s misunderstandings like these that have lead a lot of people with DID into thinking they’re possessed and gotten multiple exorcisms, all of which haven’t worked, because THEY AREN’T POSSESSED. I also suggest you listen to Neil Anderson on YouTube. Many people like came here looking for answers. What are Pink Auras and what does it mean to have pink as one of the dominant colors of the Aura? When I arrived at my destination I was instantly in this other realm, a hell realm, where my soul was bound up in chains of hell and the Holy Spirit departed. Once I submitted to God (the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) and admitted I could not handle this on my own is when I became delivered from the demons and I became Born Again. The important thing to know is that This Can Be Treated: a relevant medical professional can treat you. I used to have dissasociations frequently and blackout for anywhere between 20 Minutes to hours. Let them go and keep seeking the right God loving people. You have classic signs of a demonized person. I still see some numbers in a row sometimes, but I don’t pay any attention anymore, because only Jesus is my Lord my Light and the truth. Now break the legal rights of these demons from me. I’m getting worse. you can still and most do have evil spirits inside of them because the church has been hoodwinked by the devil to believe otherwise. They want me to serve them and not God. This dream is making you remember everything you did and possibly did wrong so that you can now fix it. Zechariah 4:6, I hope you can overcome in Jesus mighty name revalation 12:11 He can’t touch you personally as you are a child of God. Could she also be demonized? On the other side of this you will walk in a power and authority over satan that few others can learn to embrace because you will have intimate knowledge of both yourself and your enemy. I do. Spirit of fear, I rebuke you. Last week I underwent deliverance. You don’t have to be a good person to receive the gift of salvation, Jesus died for your sins and has already paid the price so you can have eternal life with him in Heaven. About a week ago, I came to bed and was freezing cold. I’m sure if he could think clear he would choose the way to everlasting life which is Jesus. Shelby, I have a cousin who, during prayer her eyes become red and they roll, her face twitches. We have to awaken and remember that we are powerful through God and that we are more then conquerors. It is such a blessing to have found your site. holy spirit. Christians still sin and have the Holy spirit, it is the same principal. Hope this helps you. I literally COULD NOT open my mouth. The next morning, I was fine. This is why every single church should have some type of basic teaching system in place on this part of our walk with the Lord so people like this will not be afraid to try and reach out for help. Exactly you discrurbe that how they do me. Can someone look at you in your eyes and cast evil spirits in someone? please don’t heed to any deliverance procedure that is not in line with the word of God….. shalom. So the first thing you will need to do is to not turn these types of cases away when they do first come your way, as there is always the possibility that it is God Himself who is guiding this case your way so you can try and work with them to get them completely delivered from these demons. And there are prayers that are done at times depending on the type of session and the leading of the Holy Spirit. Several months ago I was assigned a new dentist to supervise my medical treatment and the first time I met him and we started talking, a strange thing happened. I’m working through this as well. give open door for the demons to come in. Have her read the Bible aloud (out loud) to drive the demons into submission until they are cast out! I have been encouraged in only 1-2 hours of reading some of the interesting articles & replies. Same old story different day. Is this normal? They don’t scare me but they truly are angles they just got lead a stray. My sister and I shared a room at that stage, and I believe those angels were there for us both – I have no idea why, but obviously we needed guarding from something that night. It’s a choice, when the thoughts rise up to dwell upon the negitives about them I cast them down, do I fall off the wagan yes, many times , does forgiveness mean fellowship when they have been cruel and would divide my family “in a heartbeat” without repentance and remorse.” Absolutely not” we are not doormats as Christians. I do agree about what you describe DID to be, it is serious and related to repeated trauma.. And shouldn’t be just cast off as ‘demonic’ possession. Know your authority in christ jesus because the fear is giving them authority. Not only do they need deliverance, but often times people need inner healing and curses broken off their lives in the spirit realm as well. ok Lori, so this pastor only got them stirred up but didnt finish the job…. This is when a not fully formed personality splits, because the brain has no other way of coping with the trauma. And many many persecutions and trials by fire. I ask kindly for your prayer and would like to here from you. part of the problem. And ever since he moved in the vibes in my house feel negative and his mood changes a lot one minute he’s happy the next he’s angry and the moment after that he’s all sweet and loving but from him personally I can just feel this bad energy coming from him and sometimes I feel like his mind just wonders off for a bit like he’s not there and something that has left me thinking a lot lately was just a few weeks ago me and my partner we started to make out and i swear I felt like something poke the back of my throat really quick like a sharp quick needle type feeling and my question is what does it mean when your kissing your partner and you feel like a sharp tongue poke you in your mouth ? Some I remember feeling such a peace, and calm, as if I was completely safe. There are spitits that seem to be universal and try to destroy us by false guilt, condemation, and generally run us down with fatigue. Are y’all all Believers Baptized? does he cry when talking,does he even mistaken the names of people? I am planning a trip to church to speak with Father. I tell Satan that I am rebuking him and that Dear Jesus fill my soul with your holy blood. A tarot card reader I had hoped would help me understand called it a blood sucking vampire and wanted nothing to do with me. Seek professional psychological and spiritual help. I have continious sens of vomiting and headache ! If you absolutely cannot get him to church… It’s safer there. I would also tell you to be in a constant conversation with the Lord Jesus as if he was physically right next to you. Book of Acts has a lot of truth too, in fact the entire bible is full of truth. The 1st time I smelled the sulfur, I was 15yrs old. That so call bad angel is called a familiar spirit who has a covenant with each family passing through the Bloodline they know everything about you and they are part of networking spirits and monitoring spirit No matter what a person’s belief about them, the point is to eradicate a demonic haunting as soon as possible. I feel very sorry that this happened to your son especially when you were trying so hard because of your love for him to find help. I’ve experienced, tightness in my head , gestational issues, being paralyzed with my eyes rolled back, partially possessed where my head was rocking back and fourth, with a mans voice speaking in an unknown language. But getting a job and keeping it is the problem. Google both of these and do some research. How would Jesus be part of the problem? The only power they have is in deception. The Lord has shown T.B. The only legal right a demon will have is when you believe something that allows them to be there. Jesus didn’t go looking for demons, but they did seem to keep popping up. I started getting voices telling me I had accepted the mark of the beast and was going to hell (I know now that it isn’t possible) I thought I had blasphemed the Holy Spirit. If you’re seeing a demon the Bible is fake and is not gonna help you. I too used to suffer from the battling of demons in my sleep but when I prepared myself for sleep and made sure I had my armor on and ask God to put Angels of Protection around me I started having sweet sleep. 4:12, Ps. My entire life as a Christian since the early 80s I have always had a hard time praying and reading my Bible. That is a familiar spirit. I know for a fact that he was trying to identify a demon but I’ve never known myself to being “possessed”. Solution: Set the demons’ house on fire with the fire of the Holy Spirit and they want out fast in torment. She was confused about it for a while as up until last August, she was with me 93% of the time and was raised to believe in Jesus and lover her preschool and our church. PEOPLE WITH DID ARE NOT POSSESSED. Keep doing this until all of the angst has been flushed out of your system. His name is Jesus. You can google many good sites with prayers for deliverenc for any evil and every evil spirit. The separation between the holy spirit and the soul. i think this website needs to push the fact that these issues may have different sources instead of freaking you out, #nice write up sir……. Demons had entered me. Rise up!!!! So sad you had to experience this. And that very first thing is to determine if there really are demons living on the inside of them. Hi Gordon. This is not a game this emotionally disturbing. But mostly I see shadows thru out my house, no matter where I live. Its a battle and jesus said stay vigilant for your adversary is like a roaring lion. I found myself here because I am looking for answers. I would be paralyzed and have a demonic nightmare. You catch them in that look frequently. They are doing what Jesus said laying hands on the sick, casting out demons and baptizing people in the name of Jesus and then getting them filled with the holy Spirit just as the Apostles also preached- this will change your life so contact their website and look up their map to contact the nearest to you! Demons, ghost, dead family members, and evil spirit are not our friends so we do not need to negotiate Irrational fears, panic attacks, and phobias on some type of a regular basis. You need to leave your husband and get away from that toxic environment. You will identify much and God bless you! On one occasion when I was alone cleaning my kitchen sink a quarter was thrown to the sink but no one else was in my place six but me. In the more extreme cases, the person can literally find themselves levitating right off their bed at times. Please help me I have demon living inside me You may have repressed them for a variety of … I bind you and cast you out, in Jesus’s name. Till is very day I am still being deliver from evil spirits. What gives this used Volvo a $20M price tag? Physical Deformity According to Jesus, a woman had a physical deformity that was caused by a spirit. Go inside your own temple to find truth and peace. Is it a demon or what? The person’s unwillingness may not be the person’s but the evil spirt’s. Is this a manifestation of demons? I went over the voices, and these voices was not like it was inside my head it was a voice that called my name like somebody that i heard with my ears and found out no one had actually called me… When i was a child this started to happen and i am 42 now.. My main advice don’t be scared. The truth sets you free. A door may be open to them and seems they have legal right to keep up this kind of harrassment. What is his name and i will pray too. Pray for the Holy Spirit to search out all false beliefs in your heart. It is then we can try to be like Him throughout our lives, loving, helping, and assisting others by leading them to Him. The word of God is truth. Don’t let Satan win. Forget whatever passed history you have experienced losing your son as well. I was watching church online and suddenly felt like getting up and walking away because it didn’t like what the pastor was saying about worshiping God. Hello Chakeia, I have been dealing with a demon everyday for three and a half years. But the demons didn’t want deliverance. Demons are bent on destroying the positive aspects of life: love, happiness, and human life in general. I have it on repeat to lull me to sleep. I used to be Catholic now I’m born again Christian- bottom line I love Jesus with all my heart. The soul represented by the Holy Place of the OT temple separates the spirit from the flesh. In the course of sleeping time sometimes i could end up screaming loud and my wife could reveal to me about the shouts as if someone was breaking into the house. I want to be bold and do what the Lord wants me to do for him and be the dad my daughter deserves instead of having such a fearful and rebellious spirit. Facing your demons is a term for dealing with the repressed or unconscious aspects of your personality. The deep rooted fear is gone but im still having some trouble my mind is racing all the time I find it hard to pray at times and two nights ago I was attacked in a dream that made me sick to my Stomach. Father, I know Jesus died for me. It is the solution that i dont think anyone cleary has.For starters Jesus may be I have a You Tube Channel called Sarah Moul where I have created a file for Neil’s teachings OR you can search for his teachings as well. Thanks for the post cuz it feels like lonely long fight. I’ve been to the doctor for excessive dizziness and nausea, yet they couldn’t find a definite reason for my illness. Khaled Hosseini I got involved with a guy who was involved without my knowledge. I am worried because my son has five children all with different mothers. 11 Comments. Only recently, have I gained understanding and wisdom to deal with demons. Exactly… When I did not believe I was never bothered either. Nothing works without God being first. I have had depression for a while now, which causes negative thoughts, I have anxiety, and my twitching comes from sleep loss. Yes, they take control of the body, yes they can know different languages, and speak differently to the other alters, yes, people with DID often blackout when another alter takes over, and yes, people with DID experience amnesia quite frequently. PERSIST like the widow with the unjust judge. I feel resentment towards God even though I know I have no reason to hate him. Father I ask you to lead Julie away from the worldly things that cause us to sin, just as you had Moses lead the Isrealites away from Mt. The very air surrounding the person will feel different. I understand how to pray better now and always. Sleep paralysis demons have become a key figure in meme culture, but they aren't so funny for those who experience them. You CAN lead a normal life if you follow that path; if you don't, you stand to hurt others very badly in the course of your life. May the Lord bless you and keep you as you step in to the light of His Word, His Life, and His way. The funny part is that when I was still a sinner,i never had these demonic attacks. I do they put thoughts in my head and tell me to do crazy things like set houses on fire and cut my fingures off with scizzors. Don’t give into these deceptive lies of the devil, that’s his intent and purpose. Adult baptism was the best thing I ever did in my life. If u feel you are possessed then you need a deliverance minister. Dreaming about demons is quite an experience and hardly does a dreamer wake up smiling. So now after doing my research, I am convinced that if NPD and being demon possessed are two truly different things, we are in trouble. I’m not the type of Christian to roll over. Hi. I’m saved and looking for employment, I pay my tithes. In recent years I have felt the presence of a spirits in my other place where I used to live but for some reason I was not afraid. Rebuke the demon in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God! Follow the directions in the links in this article- keep calling on Jesus for strength until you are delivered DO NOT FEAR the demons, it gives them strength. The truth is the wicked spirits will test you and approach just like they did to Jesus, so you know they will do the same to us. Everything must bow to Jesus. Demons are mostly known for their ability to possess individuals, thanks in no small part to popular culture and classic horror films like 1973’s The Exorcist. That is to say, there are stories of such events. I am going to leave a list here because i did not mention everything.. Before demons had to driven out either by a counsellor or by self-deliverance. Many times I have dreams that show my things getting blocked. What helped was to say before I felt it coming on was, “You are not allowed to touch me in Jesus’s name.” I think it was a spirit of fear. It’s different than just a dream. I have been demonized for almost a year now. Gets me through my toughest times. Generation curses and strong holds had tormented me for so long. I have what they call anyway bi-polar 1 with psychosis. I have tried many times before I was helped. But I was called horrible names, yelled at if he wasn’t happy which happened more and more, felt like my mind wasn’t working cause he would tell me one thing and then when I would bring it up later, he said he never said that (gaslighting), moved in on my family and my church and my daughters school to get everyone on his side and make me feel I was worthless and now is fighting for custody of my daughter which he never wanted until I wanted to move away with her to marry another man that I have known longer than him. By Veronica Granja-Sierra, May 20th 2015 We have all experienced those voices in our head, those emotions and feelings that cover us in a shadow of darkness and manifest into our lives: they are known as our inner demons. They both go to their father now. Later He gave her the names. I knew of a person who use to be a witch who could not stand to be in a Christian meeting and had to leave. indeed we need not to rule out the fact that all this powers exist… Right now, I’m 13 turning 14 in a couple of months. all i was ever happy was spending my day thanking god and boasting about gods generosity. He’s the only help you have. I am sceptical to admit that the things described here I have experienced several of the signs. The devil is a liar and may have convinced you that there is no hope and you are condemned. Not once did I think to put my armour on. Thank you Father God and thank you Jesus. But it didn’t stop there! People all over believe, but they need to know. These demons may seem powerful, however, all they have to control you is fear and intimidation—-they can be defeated. Once I speak about it, that is the end. I think you're either trolling, or just Crazy and need professorial help. If I plan to do something I do not need to discuss with my wife. I come against them operating under your authority and your anointing to be able to do so. One of the best things I’ve ever heard. Have a very hard time in praying and reading from their Bibles. Please advise, as I have lived with this propblem for more than 8 years. Spirits won’t let him keep a job. In order to counsel a person to determine door opening sins and legal rights the person has to be willing, have some knowledge of his/her problem, and want deliverance. When he died he said “It is finished” and already took care of our spiritual problems by defeating Satan, crushing his head. I have no choice I just want my life back if there is someone that can help it’s not a nice one at all. The demons’ favorite delay strategy is talk. A few days after that, I was sitting on the couch with my family, when my body stiffened and my eyes rolled up. That part makes no sense at all. After that, you must know who you are in Jesus. Just be careful if you do, the demon may not like it and take full control of his body to try to stop it, like have him grab your steering wheel or run away, etc. Don't ignore them completely; those critical voices in your head could be trying to tell you something important. Your strength and help come from the Lord God Almighty therefore get to know him little by little Do it there…. I rededicated my life to Jesus last year in October and started focusing on him. As of Oct. 11th, 2016, I still receive major headaches from the Bible. Hearing voices on the inside talking to them. I don’t want this in me anymore. I doubt someone who who had actually committed the unforgivable sin would not be attacked by satan nor would he be making them feel guilty or thinking that they might have. And more so now I am totally committed this time to continue my journey. Your husband will not like that you are spending so much time with God because it is all about him. Sometimes many years ago i would think my grandmother or someone was calling me only to find out they didnt.. Also there have been times in past it smelled like something electrical was burning and could not find out where it was coming from, and yes there have been times it was like i felt a presence and it was not a good feeling.. My husband apparently took my son for a drink and told him he wouldn’t have anything to do wth his daughter when she was born. Demon possession and schizophrenia have similar symptoms. I sensed my daughters fear, she is a gentle spirit. But repeat name of Jesus in my HEART then goes away. When we stand in the gap, it cleanses our bloodline from us on down. Abnormal fascination with the occult or any type of criminal activity. What you will see when this occurs is pure evil and pure hatred looking at you.